Monday, August 30, 2010

Bath and Body Works Gingerbread House Oil Burner

Bath and Body Works Gingerbread House Oil Burner; Christmas 2006
Burn, baby BURN.

This gingerbread house oil warmer is Bath and Body Works' Holiday 2006 line. It came in a kit that included this oil burner, two tea lights, a Twisted Peppermint fragrance oil and a Spicy Gingerbread fragrance oil.

Apparently they weren't flying off the shevles because at the Semi Annual Sale that followed, these ceramic contraptions filled entire TABLES at most Bath and Body Works stores. They went 50% off, then 75%, and finally 90% off. It was only at the 90% off price point that these things moved. Some stores opened up the kits to sell the home fragrance oils separately (Twisted Peppermint was a hot commodity in 2006!).

I really think this is cute. In fact, I still use mine. 

Bath and Body Works Original Honeysuckle Lotion

Bath & Body Works Original Honeysuckle Body Splash Rare & Discontinued!
Bath and Body Works Original Honeysuckle lotion gave me a headache.
The original Honeysuckle lotion was one of those scents that you didn't want to douse yourself in. The floral scent was overpowering and cloying, and headache-inducing. Honeysuckle has been discontinued for many years, but I can't say with certain how many.  I do love the cute artwork on the bottle.

You can still find the original Honeysuckle lotion at the Semi Annual Sale on occasion. Typically, it's in a 75% off bin. Or, you can try to find it at a real Bath & Body Works Outlet store.

In 2007, Bath and Body Works introduced its Wild Honeysuckle lotion, which was nothing like this puppy.

New direction, sort of...

I'm taking this blog in a slightly different direction. I'm going to be discussing discontined Bath and Body Works & Victoria's Secret products. Why?

I MISS THE OLD BATH AND BODY WORKS! Like, fer realz. I miss the "'ye ol' country store" feel to the place. The red and white gingham, the wooden barrels, the old bottle design. You get the picture.

Since I can't find a website devoted to such a thing, I decided I'm going to create one!

I've been shopping at Bath and Body Works since 1996, when the store first came to our local mall. I still have some of those scents (Winter Festival, anyone?!)

I also used to sell Bath and Body Works stuff on eBay so I have a huge library of pictures to use in this blog.

I hope this becomes a resource for all Bath & Body Works fans, such as myself.

Thanks for reading!